I was a pretty cute kid, then 2nd grade something went horribly wrong. Not scarily ugly, but nothing special to look at.
I was a pretty good student but definitely not the best.
I was a pretty accepted person, not in the upper echelon but not swimming with the plebes either. I was in a sorority in high school, probably why I wasn't in one in college.
I'm a decent wife and mother, certainly not Susie Homemaker but not one of those people on Oprah either.
Even as a fattie, I'm not the best. Obviously not skinny, but not fat enough to get my own t.v. show either. Sigh, it was my one chance for fame.
I say all that to say this, most of the time I'm quite content in my mediocrity but jealousy occasionally rears its ugly head. Then I think, I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do. I'm a college graduate for crying out loud, I should be DOING something. I see people I graduated with working, making a difference in the world and I wonder if I went down the wrong path. Is being a wife, mother, and constant student ministry volunteer enough?
Then I see my children, flesh of my flesh, excited about going to church, learning about Jesus. Just today Isaac started singing a new song, "I Will Rise,"by Chris Tomlin. Now I know he has no clue what it means but at 2 he is singing praises to our King, and that is when I see success. Annaliese pays attention to everything, she watches Isaac as he learns to say his prayers, she folds her hands and bows her head and I know that one day she too will be saying those same sweet prayers and this is when I see success.
So, I know, as cheesy as it sounds, for now I am where I am supposed to be. I am called first to be a wife and mother and then to be a worker. I look to the Proverbs 31 woman as my example. While I may not consider a field and buy it, I do buy clothes on sale and then sell them in consignment sales. I may not harvest my own food, but I do use sales and coupons to further my dollar (I saved $63 last trip). This is my job for the time being, someday I may go back into the workforce, but for the time being I know the sacrifices we are making are worth it in the long run.
Finally, I feel successful in my mediocrity.